The first step in creating an Android project is getting the right set of tools for development.
Google has introduced the new ADT Bundle , which has the Android SDK Components and
a version of Eclipse IDE with built-in ADT (Android Developer Tools). With this single you
have all the essential components to kick start your Android Development.
have all the essential components to kick start your Android Development.
Download link - ADT Bundle Download
Create a Project using Eclipse
1. File - > New or Right Click on the Project Explorer Pane and Select New .
Select Android Application Project.
Select Android Application Project.
2. You will get a window as shown below.
3. Fill the details
a) Application Name : This will be the name that appears to the user.
b) Project Name : This is the name of the project directory which will be visible in
eclipse .
eclipse .
c) Package Name : This is the package namespace of your app. Make sure you
use a proper package name . Your package name must be unique across all
packages installed on the Android system .
use a proper package name . Your package name must be unique across all
packages installed on the Android system .
d) Minimum Required SDK - It is the lowest of version of Android that your app
e) Target SDK - It indicates the highest version of Android your app has been tested
on. Please select the latest version supported to take the maximum advantage .
f) Compile with - indicates the highest version of Android against which you are going
to compile your app. Set it to the latest versions to take maximum advantage of the
sdk .
on. Please select the latest version supported to take the maximum advantage .
f) Compile with - indicates the highest version of Android against which you are going
to compile your app. Set it to the latest versions to take maximum advantage of the
sdk .
Thanks for sharing such a great article. I was really appreciate you for this post. I was very helpful, and thanks again!
Free android Tricks